L'editorial Tamesis Books (imprint de Boydell & Breuwer) acaba de publicar el volum The Classical Tradition in Medieval Catalan, 1300-1500: Translation, Imitation and Literacy, on es proposa el primer estudi de conjunt sobre la recepció de la tradició clàssica a les lletres catalanes medievals, a càrrec de Lluís Cabré, Alejandro Coroleu Montserrat Ferrer, Albert Lloret i Josep Pujol.
"This book offers the first comprehensive study of the reception of the classical tradition in medieval Catalan letters, a multilingual process involving not only Latin and Catalan, but also neighbouring vernaculars like Aragonese, Castilian, French, and Italian. The authors survey the development of classical literacy from the twelfth-century Aragonese royal courts until the arrival of the printing press and the dissemination of Italian Humanism. Aimed at students and scholars of medieval and early modern Iberia - and anyone interested in medieval Romance literatures and the classical tradition - this volume also provides a concise introduction to the medieval Crown of Aragon, a catalogue of translations into Catalan of texts from classical antiquity through the Italian Renaissance, and a critical study of the influence of the classics in five major works: Bernat Metge's Lo somni, Joanot Martorell's Tirant lo Blanc, the anonymous Curial e Güelfa, Ausiàs March's poetry, and Joan Roís de Corella's prose."
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